Many manufacturers are changing operations to respond to the needs of this pandemic.
Manufacturers are a crucial part of helping healthcare workers do their jobs safely. While answering the call to produce masks, ventilators, and other COVID-19-related items may be the right business decision for your company, it’s no small feat to overhaul your operation.
Undertaking material changes in operations to produce critical resources and other needed supplies can create new or unexpected exposures.
We’re here to help you think through the potential impacts of repurposing your business operations. The situation is changing by the minute, and we can help answer your questions and give guidance to help reduce the risks of transition.
Review our guide to help with transitioning your operation.
Your safety and well-being are our primary concern. These suggestions are general in nature, so please ensure that any activities you contemplate comply with all federal, state, and local COVID-19 orders impacting your facilities or operations as well as CDC guidelines for social distancing, hygiene, and other recommended best practices.
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