In our construction risk roundtable series, we discuss issues and trends facing the industry and how companies can prepare.
Episode 7: The advantages of prefabrication in the construction industry
In part 7 of the series, the Liberty SDI team chats with Batson-Cook Construction about all facets of prefab – from pros and cons to popular market segments and best practices, they discuss everything GCs should know.
Episode 6: How quality control on construction projects is changing
In part 6 of the series, the Liberty SDI team discusses the latest defective work claim trends, what’s causing them, and how to minimize them.
Episode 5: Navigating the recovery of materials from an insolvent subcontractor
In part 5 of the series, Liberty Mutual talks with outside counsel about how general contractors can navigate the recovery of their materials (or prevent seizure of them) if their sub becomes insolvent or defaults.
Episode 4: Managing building envelopes: trends and challenges
In part 4 of this series, Liberty Mutual talks with Ventana Construction about envelope design trends, building envelope quality control, and the differences between curtain and window wall.
Episode 3: AI Robots: how contractors are getting more done with less
In part 3 of this series, Liberty Mutual talks with Advance Construction Robotics about how AI is saving contractors time and money.
Episode 2: Contractor financials and economic impacts
In part 2 of this series, Liberty Mutual experts discuss recent and current economic conditions and how problem-solvers in the construction industry are managing the impacts on their businesses.
Episode 1: Watch outs and guidance for subcontractor default
In part 1 of a new series on managing construction risk, Liberty Mutual experts explain how contractors can protect themselves from subcontractor failure.
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