Healthcare insurance
As the landscape for healthcare continues to evolve, we strive to provide comprehensive and innovative solutions tailored to our customers’ needs.
Based on these needs, we provide a dedicated Healthcare platform to offer meaningful excess capacity to healthcare risks across all venues. This includes the unique ability to provide dropdown capacity over multiple lines of coverage where required.
We currently target four categories of business, as follows:
- Hospitals & Health Systems
- Lifescience Organisations
- Senior Care Organisations
- Managed Care Organisations
Product information
Hospitals & Health Systems
- Clients include:
- Multi-hospital systems
- Academic medical centers
- Pediatric hospitals
- And others
- No venue restrictions
- Claims made PL coverage with occurrence GL
- Affirmative punitive damages coverage provided, when requested
- Minimum attachment: USD 75,000,000
- Maximum limit: USD 25,000,000 (limited to USD 15,000,000 for new business)
Lifescience Organisations
- Clients include those focused on:
- Clinical Trials
- Clinical Research Organisations
- Medical Devices
- Pharmaceutical
- Nutraceutical
- Biotechnology
- Claims made and defense within limits for products and professional liability
- Affirmative punitive damages coverage provided, when requested
- Worldwide coverage
- Minimum attachment: USD 60,000,000 – 100,000,000, depending on class of business
- Maximum limit: USD 15,000,000
Senior Care Organisations
- Written on a follow-form excess basis
- PL and GL coverages provided
- Flexibility with respect to coverage for sexual misconduct
- Affirmative punitive damages coverage provided, when requested
- Minimum attachment: USD 15,000,000
- Maximum limit: USD 15,000,000
Managed Care Organisations
- Written on a follow-form excess basis
- Affirmative punitive damages coverage provided, when requested
- Minimum attachment: USD 60,000,000
- Maximum limit: USD 15,000,000
Liberty Mutual Bermuda is the marketing name for Liberty Specialty Markets Agency Limited (“LSMA”) and Liberty Specialty Markets Bermuda Limited (“LSMB”).
LSMA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ironshore Inc. and is registered in Bermuda with company number 42966. LSMA is licensed by the Bermuda Monetary Authority as an insurance agent to underwrite risks for and on behalf of LSMB and other insurance providers. LSMA’s registered office is located at 141 Front Street, Hamilton, HM 19, Bermuda.
LSMB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ironshore Inc. and is registered in Bermuda with company number 39024. LSMB is licensed by the Bermuda Monetary Authority as a Class 4 insurer, approved to write both insurance and reinsurance. LSMB’s registered office is located at 141 Front Street, Hamilton, HM 19, Bermuda.
This website is intended to be informational. Descriptions are provided only as a summary outline of the products and services available and are not intended to be comprehensive and do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation. The products and services described may not be available in all jurisdictions. See your policy, service contract, or program documentation for actual terms, conditions, and exclusions. Any inquiries regarding the subject matter set forth herein should be directed through licensed insurance professionals.