Premium audit COVID-19 FAQs
Information on the premium audit process for business insurance policies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our approach to premium audits in response to COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact businesses in the U.S., and our premium audit team is here to support you. Review the frequently asked questions below to learn more about our approach to premium audits during this challenging time.
My auditor left me a message to schedule my premium audit, but I have shut my business down temporarily due to COVID-19. Do I still have to complete my audit?
In this ever-changing environment, our premium auditors are being extremely flexible. There is no need to complete your premium audit immediately. However, we still want to ensure you are only paying premium on the coverage you need. Your premium auditor can work with you to schedule a time in the future that will work best for you to conduct your audit in person or virtually.
I am self-quarantining and cannot meet with my auditor in person. What do I do?
Auditors will begin conducting field audits on a state-by-state basis according to Liberty Mutual re-entry guidelines. We also have other ways of conducting premium audits including online and virtually. Your premium auditor will share which process can work best for your business and your current situation.
Can’t my premium auditor just do my audit in person?
Auditors will begin conducting field audits on a state-by-state basis according to Liberty Mutual re-entry guidelines and can schedule a time that is mutually convenient. We also have other ways of conducting premium audits including online and virtually. Your premium auditor will share which process can work best for your business and your current situation.
Our company has instituted a no-visitor policy. How can my premium auditor complete my audit if they can’t come to my office?
In this ever-changing environment, our premium auditors are being extremely flexible. There is no need to complete your premium audit in person if your company is not ready for an in-person visit. Your auditor will work with you to perform your audit virtually or schedule an in-person audit after your company’s no-visitor policy has been lifted and the auditor is authorized to return to the field in your state.
Will my premium auditor wear a mask if they perform an in-person audit? How are your premium auditors staying safe and helping to keep their customers safe?
Yes, all auditors have been issued appropriate personal protective equipment including masks and hand sanitizer. They have been instructed to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
Can’t I just mail my records to the auditor?
Please mail copies of your records (not originals) and contact your premium auditor so they know to expect them. You can mail copies of your audit records to: Premium Audit, 100 Liberty Way, Dover, NH 03820. Please mark the attention to your auditor and reference your policy number. We also accept records via email at or via fax at 1-866-809-7806.
I can’t get in touch with my auditor after they left me a message. Whom do I contact to schedule my audit?
If you are having trouble reaching your premium auditor, please contact our customer support team at 1-888-224-9246 and they will assist you.
I received an email/letter to complete my eReport audit, but I don’t have access to my records to complete my audit because of COVID-19. Can I do this some other time?
Yes, you can do this when you and your business are in a better situation to access your records. For all states, you can complete your audit online up to six months after your policy expires by using the same secure access code. If you need longer than six months, contact our customer support team at 1-888-224-9246 to request a longer extension.
I can’t get this eReport audit done by the due date; can I have more time? Will I get a bill if I can’t complete this on time?
Yes, you may have additional time. You can complete your audit online up to six months after your policy expires by using the same secure access code. If you need longer than six months, contact our customer support team at 1-888-224-9246.
I received a paper form, but I don’t have access to my records to complete my audit because of COVID-19. Can I do this some other time?
Yes, you can do this when you and your business are in a better situation to access your records. Contact our customer support team at 1-888-224-9246 to let us know.
I have laid people off and closed my business because of COVID-19. How will this impact my policy and premium?
We are sorry that you made the difficult decision to close your business because of COVID-19. As your policy is based on estimated exposure, your final premium audit will determine your final premium. You should contact your agent/broker regarding the impact to your policy.
I have closed locations and reduced my staff dramatically due to COVID-19. How do I make changes to my in-force policy to reflect these changes?
Please contact your agent/broker to discuss these changes and they will work with members of our underwriting team on your behalf.
I have directed my field employees to work from home and/or I am paying my employees for idle time as they cannot work due to COVID-19. How will this impact my premium audit?
We have worked with the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) as well as all the regulatory state bureaus to understand how to handle these situations at audit. Please keep appropriate payroll records to show your premium auditor if you have employees who have been furloughed (still being paid but not performing work) or who have had a temporary change in job duties. Examples of temporary changes in job duties include:
- Field employees temporarily working from home
- Field employees temporarily performing clerical/office/yard duties
- Employees now performing delivery services (e.g., restaurant server now delivering food)
Please see below for state-specific class code information for furloughed wages:
- Most states have adopted the use of class code 0012 as the placeholder for these wages. There will be no premium charge for these wages.
- Delaware and Pennsylvania will use code 1212 for these wages. There will be no premium charge for these wages either.
- New York is using class code 8873. This is a telecommuter-type class code and is a rate like clerical.
My company has started to manufacture personal protective equipment (ventilators, vaccines, COVID-19 test kits, masks, gloves, face shields, etc.). How will this impact my policy and my premium audit?
For coverage questions, please contact your agent/broker. Please provide any gross sales for these items to your premium auditor for review. If these items were donated, please provide your auditor with market value of these items or quantity of items donated.
My company has started to manufacture hand sanitizer. How will this impact my policy and my premium audit?
For coverage questions, please contact your agent/broker. Please provide any gross sales for these items to your premium auditor for review. If hand sanitizer was donated, please provide your auditor with market value or quantity of hand sanitizer donated.
This website is intended to be informational. Descriptions are provided only as a summary outline of the products and services available and are not intended to be comprehensive and do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation. The products and services described may not be available in all states or jurisdictions. See your policy, service contract, or program documentation for actual terms, conditions, and exclusions. Any inquiries regarding the subject matter set forth herein should be directed through licensed insurance professionals.
Coverage and insurance are provided and underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company or its affiliates or subsidiaries. When we offer insurance products, we will state clearly which insurer will underwrite the policy. Some policies may be placed with a surplus lines insurer. Surplus lines insurers generally do not participate in state guaranty funds and coverage may only be obtained through duly licensed surplus lines brokers.