Energy and Heavy Industry
Our Energy and Heavy Industry group offers commercial insurance to a broad spectrum of clients with a diverse geographical base. The portfolio is centered around customers that are risk management-focused, have a long-term approach to buying insurance, and are looking for protection against catastrophic loss.
Liberty Mutual Bermuda offers specialty insurance and reinsurance products, including those of third-party capital providers, via our licensed insurance agency, Liberty Specialty Markets Agency (LSMA). The Energy and Heavy Industry portfolio is written alongside our General Property offering and forms part of our Bermuda Property product line.
Product information
Target markets
We consider clients in the following segments, worldwide, with distribution through our Bermuda, London, and international-based brokers.
- Oil and gas
- Petrochemicals
- Conventional and renewable power generation
- Mining
- Aboveground and underground metals and minerals
- Metallurgical coal
- Heavy industry
- Steel manufacturers
- Aluminum manufacturers
- Pulp and paper
- Defense contractors and aerospace
Tailored solutions
Coverage includes protection from direct physical loss or damage resulting from:
- Fire and allied perils
- Equipment breakdown
- Named windstorms
- Earthquakes
- Floods
We offer non-admitted with admitted capabilities on selected placements for shared and layered programs, with limits and attachment points driven by occupancy, protections, and quality of risk.
- $15M maximum capacity
- $75K minimum premium
- 15% max share of layer
- Up to $5M in first $100M of program limits purchased
- We typically participate in first $500M of program limits purchased through primary and excess buffer layer positions.
* Out of appetite – construction and offshore
Worldwide, all territories are considered; however, distribution is through Bermuda and London-based brokers.
Get in touch
Liberty Mutual Bermuda is the marketing name for Liberty Specialty Markets Agency Limited (“LSMA”) and Liberty Specialty Markets Bermuda Limited (“LSMB”).
LSMA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ironshore Inc. and is registered in Bermuda with company number 42966. LSMA is licensed by the Bermuda Monetary Authority as an insurance agent to underwrite risks for and on behalf of LSMB and other insurance providers. LSMA’s registered office is located at 141 Front Street, Hamilton, HM 19, Bermuda.
LSMB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ironshore Inc. and is registered in Bermuda with company number 39024. LSMB is licensed by the Bermuda Monetary Authority as a Class 4 insurer, approved to write both insurance and reinsurance. LSMB’s registered office is located at 141 Front Street, Hamilton, HM 19, Bermuda.
This website is intended to be informational. Descriptions are provided only as a summary outline of the products and services available and are not intended to be comprehensive and do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation. The products and services described may not be available in all jurisdictions. See your policy, service contract, or program documentation for actual terms, conditions, and exclusions. Any inquiries regarding the subject matter set forth herein should be directed through licensed insurance professionals.