We are here to support our policyholders when they have claims.
Liberty Mutual Bermuda has assembled an experienced team to manage claims and deliver on our promise to help our customers embrace today and confidently pursue tomorrow.
While we adopt a syndicated approach to underwriting, our claims professionals serve as the sole point of contact for all claims handling activity and have full authority to manage and resolve claims on behalf of all agency partners. This means our clients always have access to the right decision-makers when they are faced with an insurance claim.
Our team is responsive and solution oriented and has proactively designed and implemented an efficient system for handling notifications. Our personalized approach enables us to understand and respond to the needs of our clients. This gives our claims professionals scope to be nimble and responsive where appropriate.
All new notifications should be submitted to BermudaClaims@libertyglobalgroup.com.
Our claims technicians will log, enter, and acknowledge the notification. The acknowledgment correspondence will include your claim reference number.
All new requests for payments should be submitted directly to our centralized payments inbox, BermudaPayments@LibertyGlobalGroup.com.
Our Payments Team usually has the ability to process payments within 36 hours or less, provided all requisite information is included with the payment request.
Each payment request should include the following:
- Confirmation of whether the payment is for expense or indemnity
- The name of the (re)insured
- The name of the claim
- The claim number(s)
- Confirmation of the share of the payment and the basis for calculation
- Confirmation of the currency the payment is to be made in
- Details of the bank account to which payment is to be sent
Where we are being asked to make a payment to a policyholder, vendor, or other payee for the first time, we require a valid W-9 , W-8, VAT Number, or other tax identifier. This ensures we remain in compliance with applicable KYC/AML/ATF regulations.
In an effort to combat fraud it may also be necessary for our claims handlers to verify the accuracy of payment information submitted by telephone.
Liberty Mutual Bermuda is the marketing name for Liberty Specialty Markets Agency Limited (“LSMA”) and Liberty Specialty Markets Bermuda Limited (“LSMB”).
LSMA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ironshore Inc. and is registered in Bermuda with company number 42966. LSMA is licensed by the Bermuda Monetary Authority as an insurance agent to underwrite risks for and on behalf of LSMB and other insurance providers. LSMA’s registered office is located at 141 Front Street, Hamilton, HM 19, Bermuda.
LSMB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ironshore Inc. and is registered in Bermuda with company number 39024. LSMB is licensed by the Bermuda Monetary Authority as a Class 4 insurer, approved to write both insurance and reinsurance. LSMB’s registered office is located at 141 Front Street, Hamilton, HM 19, Bermuda.
This website is intended to be informational. Descriptions are provided only as a summary outline of the products and services available and are not intended to be comprehensive and do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation. The products and services described may not be available in all jurisdictions. See your policy, service contract, or program documentation for actual terms, conditions, and exclusions. Any inquiries regarding the subject matter set forth herein should be directed through licensed insurance professionals.